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STARS choir starts off Communithon

Entertainment for the 30th annual Communithon gets started by the Weyburn Comprehensive STARS Show Choir singing the theme song of "Let's Work Together".
Entertainment for the 30th annual Communithon gets started by the Weyburn Comprehensive STARS Show Choir singing the theme song of "Let's Work Together". In the back row, from left are Josh Mainil, Decker Mainil and Dustin Wagner. In the front row, from left are Shaina Berling, Nikki Williams, Tenille Arts and Tristyn Lautner. Most of the entertainment during the Friday morning and afternoon of Communithon was dedicated to the school choirs, bands and special groups.

Entertainment for the 30th annual Communithon gets started by the Weyburn Comprehensive STARS Show Choir singing the theme song of "Let's Work Together".