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Weather in January was average, drier than normal

The weather in Weyburn during January was close to average for temperatures, but saw less-than-average snowfall, according to statistics from Environment Canada's weather station and website. The average high for January was -7.

The weather in Weyburn during January was close to average for temperatures, but saw less-than-average snowfall, according to statistics from Environment Canada's weather station and website.

The average high for January was -7.5, with the long-term average for the month being -10; the average low was -19.9, close to the average of -20.5, and the overall average temperature was -13.7, a couple degrees off from the long-term average of -15.3.

The total snowfall in January was 6.6 centimetres, which is significantly lower than the long-term average snowfall of 17.6 cm.

The warmest day recorded in January was on Jan. 9, when the mercury rose above zero to 5.6 degrees; this wasn't a record for January, however, as the records show a temperature of 11.5 set on Jan. 12, 1987.

The coldest temperature was -34.1, which was set on Jan. 31. The record cold temperature was -42.2 set on Jan. 25 in 1969.

For precipitation, the record for extreme snowfall in one day is 16 cm, which fell on Jan. 6, 1989, and the record for depth of snow in January is 71 cm, set on Jan. 29, 1997. This year, the records show Weyburn had 31 cm on the ground as of Jan. 31.

The number of cold days usually experienced in January are as follows; the number of days with the temperature at -30 or more is 5.1; the number of days with the temperature at -20 or colder is 15.7.

The number of hours of bright sunshine in January was 98, and the days with measurable sunshine is 23.7.

The statistics on wind, which in January usually leads to a high wind chill, showed that in January, Weyburn only had seven days with a wind of less than 31 km an hour; the strongest gust recorded this year was 78 km an hour on Jan. 8, and 74 km an hour on Jan. 19.