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YGULP has busy season in Y. Grass

Yellow Grass (cpd) - The YGULP (Yellow Grass United Lutheran Partnership) Church was busy with many activities and services including preparing for the Christmas Eve candlelight service beginning at the church at 7 p.m. On Dec.

Yellow Grass (cpd) - The YGULP (Yellow Grass United Lutheran Partnership) Church was busy with many activities and services including preparing for the Christmas Eve candlelight service beginning at the church at 7 p.m.

On Dec. 8, more than 30 people met before the worship service for coffee, cider and snacks. Prayer partners met and new partners were drawn with 23 taking part this year.

During the morning worship Kid's Club members and friends, seven children in all, sang "Lord, I Want to be A Christian" with accompanying sign language and a version of "O Lord, How Majestic is Your Name" accompanied by Gail Murray and Myrna Steer on the piano and organ. The songs were sung a second time with the congregation joining in.

The Dec. 15 morning worship service started with Christmas Eve practice for the choir and men's choirs and regular worship followed. That afternoon eight adults and seven children met for "quiet church", a worship planned for families with young children.

After carol singing, Bible reading, prayers and discussion, there were snacks for all as well as crafts for the children. Later, another 10 children arrived to practice with Gail Murray for Christmas Eve.

In one song the children will play tone bells and for the second they will sing and play drums. Communion was also held on Dec. 15.

A Christmas themed craft time was held at the Yellow Grass Branch Library on Dec. 16 with nine children and two adults participating.

They each assembled a snowman using a plastic container, a sock, garland, pom poms, jewels and markers. Cookies were provided for a snack.

Over 60 people attended the turkey and ham supper at the Drop-in Centre on Dec. 14.