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Preeceville Progress

Mushers' Rendezvous reorganizing

The committee members of the Preeceville and District Musher's Rendezvous meet-ing to prepare for next year’s annual event, which is scheduled for January 29, 30 and 31. The first meeting was held on October 5 with nine members in attendance.
Trade deal helps Harper's cause

Trade deal helps Harper's cause

So who’s the biggest employer in Saskatchewan?Agriculture? Oil? Government? Well, there’s a pretty argument that it’s the trade sector. Yes trade.

Trade deal shows that everything in Canada is for sale

The editor: Here we are in the middle of an official election period. This is a period in which all important decisions are supposed to be delayed until after the election.
Those principals better watch out for pitchforks and torches

Those principals better watch out for pitchforks and torches

Regina Public Schools announced on October 6 that they were dispensing with graduation banquets and dances, and only keeping cap-and-gown ceremonies. Those principals better watch out for pitchforks and torches.
Municipal governments are sacred in rural Saskatchewan

Municipal governments are sacred in rural Saskatchewan

If there is one thing rural Saskatchewan seems to hold as sacred it is its municipal governments.
Preeceville senior Panthers face second loss of season

Preeceville senior Panthers face second loss of season

The Preeceville Panthers senior foot-ball team suffered its second loss at the hands of the Wynyard Bears on October 8. Fans packed the stands as the Panthera roared onto the field to tackle the Bears in a rematch.
Photos: Junior Panthers remain undefeated

Photos: Junior Panthers remain undefeated

Junior Panthers remain undefeated

Junior Panthers remain undefeated

( see Photo Gallery below ) The Preeceville Panther junior football remain undefeated and with one game left are looking forward to another undefeated season. The home game against Porcupine Plain on October 5 pushed the team to a 30 record.

Something is wrong with the "Enemies of Israel" blacklist

Dear editor: Who provided the “Enemies of Israel” blacklist read out by Joyce Bate-man, Harper’s Conservative candidate in Winnipeg South Centre? It angered the Asper Jewish Community Centre all-candidates-forum audience hosted by B’ani Brith, which
All things considered... If you can't say something nice...

All things considered... If you can't say something nice...

In a world where every other news story seems to be about some disaster or some lunatic wanting to inflict pain on others, it is refreshing to read a feel-good story.