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Preeceville Progress

Scenes from the community-wide registration night

Scenes from the community-wide registration night

Bad job news just starting?

It obviously isn’t all bad news. In fact, under the circumstances of being in another recession and the continued fall in oil prices, Saskatchewan’s August job numbers weren’t quite as bad as some thought they would be.

The Tories turned back the clock 1 15 years

The editor: Once again we have propaganda about how the federal Tories help western Canada. Let the record show just how helpful they are to agriculture.
When the city fails in its zoning responsibility

When the city fails in its zoning responsibility

In 2011, a “500year flood” struck the Souris Valley. Saturated soil from the year before, combined with a heavy spring runoff, were met with two inches of rain each Monday for nearly two months.
New research demonstrates the merits of incorporating old ideas

New research demonstrates the merits of incorporating old ideas

When I was growing up on a small mixed farm a half century ago summerfallow was the norm when it came to crop planning. Farmers just naturally left one-third to one-half of their cropable land fallow each year.

Dam project to have far-reaching implications for everyone

The editor: The flooding in the Quill Lakes area is no longer just the problem of a few farmers, it is soon to become everyone’s problem. Every taxpayer has a stake in this.

Crop report for the period September 1 to 7

Forty per cent of the 2015 crop is now in the bin and an additional 33 per cent is swathed or ready to straight-cut, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly crop report for the period ending September 7.
All things considered...Through a child's eyes

All things considered...Through a child's eyes

With every change in season, I try to take a new bunch of silk flowers to my mother’s grave. Like so many others who do the same for their loved ones, bringing flowers is a way to honour her memory.

New young worker readiness certificate course now available

Young workers in the province will have a better way to learn about their workplace rights and responsibilities through the updated Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course (YWRCC).
Scenes from the annual Town of Preeceville pumpkin contest

Scenes from the annual Town of Preeceville pumpkin contest