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Yorkton This Week

Summer job listing

The Saskatchewan Public Service Commission is accepting applications for summer student employment in the public service.

Health region operating within budget

Cuts made in last year's budget appear to be having their intended effect as the Sunrise Health Region reports a moderate surplus for the period ending November 30, 2010.
Seed festival Saturday

Seed festival Saturday

The Yorkton and District Horticultural Society had their first meeting of 2011 last week, and it's going to be another great year! There are so many interesting things happening! Kevin Young was our guest speaker last week, and he shared a lot of pra
Derby planned

Derby planned

Sympathy goes out to Willy and Myrna Pastershank and familes on the recent passing of Willy's dad. The Calder Annual Poker Derby will be held on March 6, 2011. Pancake and Sausage Breakfast will start at nine at the Calder Community Rink.

RRSP checklist

(NC) - Time is running out to contribute to your RRSP for 2010. Ensure you check off these three tips by March 1, 2011. Find a financial advisor. Guidance from an experienced advisor can remove emotion from your investment decisions.

Heritage week in Sask.

The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed February 21-27 as Heritage Week in the province and there are a number of exciting activities planned.
Rose Bowl party

Rose Bowl party

The Lions are sponsoring a Sliding Party at the Rose Bowl in Bredenbury on Feb. 23 from 2-5 p.m. Free hot dogs, coffee & hot chocolate. Everyone welcome. Bring your toboggan if you have one.
Snowarama raises $127,728 for Children with Disabilities

Snowarama raises $127,728 for Children with Disabilities

The 34th annual Easter Seals Snowarama was held this past weekend on Saturday, February 19 in Yorkton. Seven year old Easter Seals Ambassador Caitlyn Hasper was in attendance to start the ride and was presented with an Easter Seals snowmobile helmet.

Bongo volleyball

For a good two-and-a-half days over the Family Day holiday weekend, the population of the City of Yorkton seems to grow a little bit more.

Two step financially healthy exercise

(NC) - Want to feel financially healthy? Here are two steps that have proven time and again to show a strong correlation with feeling financially healthy during retirement. Start a financial plan early in life.