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Taking on the political challenge

One of three mayoral candidates in the village of Muenster for the October 24 municipal elections is Reva Bauer.Originally from Pilger, Bauer has been living and working in Muenster for nine years and works at St.

One of three mayoral candidates in the village of Muenster for the October 24 municipal elections is Reva Bauer.Originally from Pilger, Bauer has been living and working in Muenster for nine years and works at St. Peter's College, where she has been the executive assistant since 2006. She is up against two other candidates in the mayoral race, including incumbent Benno Korte. Bauer expressed her interest in politics and in particular, in municipal government. She said that several people had approached her about running for mayor. "I had been considering it, and I was debating council or mayor," she told the Journal on September 25. "It was really up in the air until I talked to quite a few people. I looked into what it entails, and then I decided to try for mayor."Bauer is the only woman running for a municipal council position in Muenster. She says she realizes that politics can be a hard field for women to get into, but has a role model in her mother who is currently the mayor of Pilger."It's really a male-dominated field, but women can bring a really interesting perspective to things," she said, then added, "I think it'll be an interesting challenge."Bauer believes in growth for Muenster, but a positive growth, and one that won't affect the essence of the community."I want to keep Muenster moving forward, and keep it a viable community," she explained. "In this region especially, with the economic boom I think Muenster could benefit greatly without giving up the quality of life we have here. Some of the small communities have disappeared over the years, and we don't want that."Another aim Bauer stresses would be important in her eyes is to maintain the safety of the community by keeping Muenster a safe place for families to bring up their children. "I love this community," she said in conclusion, "and I love that it's a very safe community to live in."