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In the Community

Head to head in spirited debate

Head to head in spirited debate

The North Battleford Comprehensive High School debate team participated in a debate they hosted Jan. 13. Four NBCHS teams participated.
Snow Ball brings community together

Snow Ball brings community together

The light of Groundhog Day faded without looming shadows into the glow of the Maidstone School Community Council's second annual Snow Ball.

Free votes equal true democracy

In the past I have often expounded on my feelings that even though we in Canada claim to be a democracy, I have the deeply held belief that our parliamentary system of public voting by members of Parliament and members of the legislative assembly has

Quilters share time with lodge residents

The Waseca Quilters meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. On the third Wednesday of this month the group will be meeting at Pine Island Lodge. We are looking forward to meeting with some of the residents there.

Grade 8 class pins hopes on video contest

Yes I have been absent from sending in news for a while and without much news to write about it is hard to submit each week. So if everyone will bear with me, there will be news from time to time.

Mild January a fond memory

The month of January is done, and what we thought was going to be a long cold month has been wonderfully mild. Colleen Koski was to Lloydminster to visit her mom, May Ford.
Retreat workshops an opportunity to explore

Retreat workshops an opportunity to explore

The Chapel Gallery has arranged a variety of workshops for artists of all abilities during the Annual Artist Retreat weekend. Jay Kimball will be facilitating two workshops during the weekend. Adult Piñatas is the focus for a workshop Friday, Feb.

Basketball tourneys scheduled

This week marked the beginning of the first week of second semester. Feb. 1 was our first day back from semester turnaround, and report card day. Feb. 2, the school community council hosted its annual Snow Ball.
Time line feature of Archives Week display

Time line feature of Archives Week display

Occasionally, committee members of the City of North Battleford Historic Archives work on a personal project.
Ceremony welcomes new United Church minister

Ceremony welcomes new United Church minister

The celebration of a new minister for the River Valley Anglican Parish, Diocese of Saskatoon, was held at St. John's Anglican Church in Borden Jan 29, to induct Rev. Debbie Ramage into the parish.