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In the Community

Tolerance for cultural differences keystone of civilization

A lot of the times, when I get off on a tangent in my writing, the topic comes from discussions around a coffee table, with friends or from observations I make when I overhear some conversation in passing.

Arizona provides an object lesson for senior care

This letter comes to you from Buckeye, Ariz., where I am presently house sitting for a while in my daughter's vacation home. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. The weather is beautiful and warm during the day and cool in the evenings.
Students dive into second semester

Students dive into second semester

This week at Maidstone High School is finals week for our senior high students. With all the seniors writing tests and the juniors going skiing at Table Mountain, there has been less action than usual.
Class assignment leads to published book

Class assignment leads to published book

Jean Fauchon, a John Paul II staff member, was asked to write a children's book for an Education Curriculum class at the University of Saskatchewan.
Artist retreat an opportunity to explore

Artist retreat an opportunity to explore

The Chapel Gallery's annual Artist Winter Retreat is scheduled for Friday, Feb.24 through Sunday, Feb. 26 and features a number of new events. This is your opportunity to work in the gallery alongside other artists.

Cold weather keeps seniors at home

Bingo was played at Maidstone Drop In Centre Jan. 11, with a small crowd in attendance. Callers were Margaret MacEachern and Bev Stewart. Dorothy Kissick assisted by Jean Stewart provided lunch. Catch the 10 Whist was played Jan.

Fellowship at PI Suites shared

Colleen Koski was to Lloydminster to see her mom, May Ford, who is out of the hospital and doing much better. Our sympathy to the Alsager family on the passing of Irene Alsager of Williams Lake, B.C. Her funeral will be Feb.
Landscapes and history meld in exhibition

Landscapes and history meld in exhibition

The Chapel Gallery presents the beautiful works of Edie Marshall in her solo exhibition, Picturing Grandmother, on display until Feb. 3.
Artists part of Permaculture Research show and auction

Artists part of Permaculture Research show and auction

Sustainability is a word gaining recognition in most homes these days. The disposable society we currently live in is slowly changing its mindset to allow for a more earth-friendly way of living.
Curling club hosting bonspiels and playdowns

Curling club hosting bonspiels and playdowns

Can you believe it is nearly the end of January, 2012 already? Where did that time fly so fast to? On the bright side, we have yet to experience a major blizzard and the days are definitely and noticeably getting longer, although the cold weather sna