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Decision on CT scan unit for Estevan not close

The offer has been made but it will be awhile before Estevan finds out if it will get a CT scan unit or not.

The offer has been made but it will be awhile before Estevan finds out if it will get a CT scan unit or not.

While speaking to the media after his meeting with City of Estevan officials, Premier Brad Wall touched on the proposal that a local health committee has made to the province.

Under the terms of the proposal, the local committee would pay for the CT scan, any costs associated with the installation and the first two years of operation.

"I don't know if there is another proposal like that in the province so that is going to be very earnestly considered in the budget process," Wall said.

Because the local group is offering to pay all of the costs there had been hope of expediting the process instead of waiting for the budgeting process that Wall mentioned. However, Wall said that is not likely to happen.

"If we were to go outside the budget in the fall it would likely be about emerging infrastructure issues," he said. "I wouldn't rule anything out but it is likely part of the budget process."

Councillor Greg Hoffort was an interested party in the CT scan discussion as a member of council and the executive director of St. Joseph's Hospital. He said they have regular discussions with the Ministry of Health and will continue to work towards their goal.

"It's certainly on the radar and they have a proposal from our community leaders; not just Estevan but 14 municipalities in total and it's something they are taking very seriously," he said.

"(The proposal) sums up the way we do things in Estevan. We are not just looking for things to be handed to us, we are willing to step up and do our part."