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Canora Courier

Outbreak of graffiti on Canora buildings is investigated

Outbreak of graffiti on Canora buildings is investigated

A series of buildings in Canora have been vandalized and tagged with graffiti, and the RCMP is now investigating the possible connection between the incidents.
Rama community landmarks and people featured by CTV Regina's Hometown Tour

Rama community landmarks and people featured by CTV Regina's Hometown Tour

Rama citizens were proud to display their pride in their village when CTV Regina made the village its second stop during its Fall 2016 Hometown Tour.

McMorris DUI a painful reminder of Saskatchewan's drinking and driving problem

Before anything more is said about Don McMorris, the Indian Head-Milestone MLA, allow me to relay a story.

Canora resident encourages voters not to go with the 'same old, same old'

Here we go again.

How God makes love to us through family connections

You’ve heard the expression. “God couldn’t be everywhere and therefore He made mothers.” That is an example of how God loves us and makes love to us. Isaiah 66: 11-13 expresses God’s love for Jerusalem and for us.

Email response to the Kellogg's plant provides 'food for thought'

When you have written an opinion piece on any subject weekly for a quarter of a century, you come to truly appreciate when someone takes the time to send off an email regarding the effort.

When I snap my fingers, you will read this column on hypnotism

So here’s an interesting fact about myself: I have been hypnotized three separate times. At least, I am pretty sure it was three, but maybe I was hypnotized to believe that.

The great Norwegian and Scottish cook-off displays strangely similar dishes

Ole Johansen and Stewart Campbell were having a cook-off with various strange Norwegian and Scottish dishes.

Attack on America Remembered

People often ask me where I get ideas for my stories and articles. When in a writers’ group, every week brought new ideas for a story.

'Just barely treading water' is a funny phrase when you can't swim

The other day a good friend, who knew that I had undertaken a big writing project, asked me how busy I was. I responded by saying that I was barely treading water.