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Canora Courier

Lowest unemployment rate in Canada for 23 months

Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate was 4.7 per cent (seasonally adjusted) in August 2015, down from 5.2 per cent in July. For 23 straight months, Saskatchewan has had the lowest unemployment rate among the provinces.

$250 million in highway improvements underway

As we headed into the long weekend, $250 million worth of projects improving highways, bridges, culverts, and an airport are underway across the province. Travellers are asked to watch for bridge replacements on Highway No.

Immunizations available for Saskatchewan children

As children head back to school, the Government of Saskatchewan and all health officials would like to encourage parents to ensure their children’s vaccinations are up to date, especially those just entering Kindergarten.

Restraint measures being implemented to restore balance

On August 31, the provincial finance minister, Kevin Doherty, released the 2015-16 first quarter financial report, which shows that forest fires and the decline in oil prices have put the province’s finances into a deficit position after the first qu

Long-time resident opens new business offering wealth management services

Providing families with a clear vision for the future is what wealth management is all about, says Glenn Dutchak, who opened the 20Twenty Wealth Management Canora branch at 213 Main Street at the beginning of September.

Auto claims process being streamlined for customers

Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is enhancing service for customers through a new program that allows Saskatchewan vehicle owners to have some vehicle damage estimated at accredited auto repair firms.

Town council decides on its share of CEC costs

Canora town council decided at the September 1 meeting to contribute $106,662 towards the total cost of new Collaborative Emergency Centre (CEC) project at Canora Hospital. The total cost of the project is estimated at almost $1 million.
Mudder obstacle course challenge brought out the smiles

Mudder obstacle course challenge brought out the smiles

Mudder obstacle course challenge brought out the smiles

Mudder obstacle course challenge brought out the smiles

( see Photo Gallery below ) The mudder obstacle course challenge on Saturday had everything a kid would want – getting covered with mud from head to toe, a lot of fresh air and exercise, a lot of laughs and happy family time.
New mentorship program provides an opportunity for new employees

New mentorship program provides an opportunity for new employees

The new mentorship program offered through the Sunrise Health Region is a wonderful way for new employees to become more adapt and confident in their new roles, says Phyllis Olynyk, the regional mentorship contractor.