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Canora Courier

Poverty reduction strategy one step closer

The Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction (AGPR) presented its final recommendations to Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer last week.

Saskatchewan small biz optimism rebounds in August; hiring plans strongest in Canada

On August 27, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) released its latest monthly Business Barometer, which reveals optimism among small business owners in Saskatchewan rebounded to an index of 61.9 in August, from 54.

Provincial Archives celebrates 70 years with a new act

The proclamation of The Archives and Public Records Management Act will advance government accountability for the management of public records, particularly electronic ones. All public records, regardless of format, are subject to the new Act.
Scenes from the Good Spirit Light Horse 4-H Achievement Day held August 23

Scenes from the Good Spirit Light Horse 4-H Achievement Day held August 23

How much will the completed CEC cost Canora?

With the construction of the Collaborative Emergency Centre (CEC) in the Canora Hospital on schedule to be officially opened in November, it is still unclear what the cost to Canora will be.
Wall right to push equalization

Wall right to push equalization

Well, I guess there could be one thing less riveting than an 11-week federal election campaign starting in the middle of August.

The slippery slope…

The editor: Consider downhill skiing. There are well marked trails. Some say “beginners,” others say “intermediate,” and some say “advanced.” Then, of course, there are the unmarked trails where the high-risk-takers might dare to go.
To whom should we turn to have eternal life?

To whom should we turn to have eternal life?

The understanding of the Eucharist is still a challenge and at times a divisive issue among Christian denominations. Jesus was very clear and forceful in His pronouncements about His invitation to eat His flesh and drink His blood.
Canada must do more to reassure the customers for its wheat

Canada must do more to reassure the customers for its wheat

Canada has long had a reputation in the world marketplace for producing a high quality wheat. It has in essence been this country’s ace-in-the-hole in terms of marketing wheat even in times of low prices.
All things considered...In a pickle

All things considered...In a pickle

My kitchen has smelled glorious these past few weeks. I mean, what could smell better than the aroma of fresh dill and garlic? In fact, I can’t believe that some company that manufactures air freshen-ers hasn’t yet marketed this tantalizing aroma.