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In the Community

Sturgis Kindergarten students honoured at graduation ceremony

Sturgis Kindergarten students honoured at graduation ceremony

Ten Sturgis Kindergarten students celebrated a milestone with a graduation ceremony on June 18.
Supporters of district kidney patient raise funds at Yorkton walk

Supporters of district kidney patient raise funds at Yorkton walk

A team comprised of members of the communities of Keeseekoose and Cote First Nations was the top fundraising team at the Kidney Foundation of Canada walk in Yorkton on June 14. The team raised over $1,300, said Kristal Whitehawk.
Surveyor’s grandchildren visit Duck Mountain lake named after him

Surveyor’s grandchildren visit Duck Mountain lake named after him

Members of the family of a surveyor in whose name a lake at Duck Mountain Provincial Park was named picked their way through the bush to visit that lake.

Cote RM property taxes increase nearly a half mill

Property owners in the RM of Cote are paying nearly half a mill more in taxes this year than they paid in 2014. Council approved a budget during its meeting of May 8 which called for a tax rate of 13 mills.

Huge Garage Sale

Huge Garage Sale - June 20, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., St. Paul Lutheran Church, 73 Smith St. E. Scrumptious pies for sale. --- New Horizons Friday Night Dance, 78 First Ave. N, Yorkton, Sk. Great night of dancing. Everyone is welcome. Time: 8:00 p.m.
Achievement day provides opportunity to demonstrate cultural awareness through sewing project

Achievement day provides opportunity to demonstrate cultural awareness through sewing project

Saturday’s achievement day for the Canora Multiple 4-H Club provided an opportunity for the members to illustrate their growing cultural awareness while developing their sewing skills. “I am so proud of these girls,” said Bev Spearman, club leader.

Canora swimming pool – the place to be this summer

In the four years that Jamie Newberg has been the manager of the Canora swimming pool, she has observed the pool’s popularity continue to grow.

Gourmet Hotdog Fundraiser

Gourmet Hotdog Fundraiser - Thurs., June 11, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Toasted bun, chili, cheese, sauerkraut, hot peppers, chopped onions, crispy onions & all the normal condiments too. 83 North St. Put on by the Yorkton Mental Health Drop-In Centre.

Give the Gift of Life - Kidney Walk

Wiggly Field Dog Park Dog Walk Fundraiser. Pledge forms available at Fins, Feathers and Fur Pets and Supplies, 7 First Ave. N., Sun., June 7 at Picnic Area at Jaycee Beach. Registration 10:00 a.m. Dog Walk 10:30 a.m.

18th Annual Brayden Ottenbreit Close Cuts for Cancer

Wiggly Field Dog Park Dog Walk Fundraiser. Pledge forms available at Fins, Feathers and Fur Pets and Supplies, 7 First Ave. N. Sun., June 7 at Picnic Area at Jaycee Beach. Registration 10:00 a.m. Dog Walk 10:30 a.m.
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