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Preeceville Progress

Community fundraiser harvest

Community fundraiser harvest

The Preeceville Hospital Building Fund committee, coordinated by Jim Ward, made the decision to seed and harvest a crop of oats to help cover the $120,000 shortfall of the of what is left owing on the Preeceville Hospital Building Fund.
Junior Panthers record another undefeated season

Junior Panthers record another undefeated season

The Preeceville Junior Panthers football team remained undefeated throughout their regular season. Going into their final match against Porcupine Plain on October 5 in Preeceville, the Panthers were determined to hold the record.
Arena start up

Arena start up

The Preeceville Skating Arena kicked off another season with a free skate open to the public on October 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Photos: Annual RCMP golf tournament

Photos: Annual RCMP golf tournament

Annual RCMP golf tournament generates $1,500 for child action plan programming

Annual RCMP golf tournament generates $1,500 for child action plan programming

( see PHOTOS below ) Having raised $1,500 at the annual RCMP Thunderbolt Classic Golf Tournament in August, the Canora/Sturgis RCMP donated the money last week to the Child Action Plan programs serving Canora, Sturgis, Preeceville and Endeavour, said
Wall’s biases may still help

Wall’s biases may still help

You likely didn’t need Brad Wall’s help when figuring out how you should vote.

Mobilizing for change for a better health system rests with the patient

The editor: OK, I give up! After at least half a dozen calls to our local health clinic at the Preeceville Hospital and hearing a robo message telling me that my call cannot be “taken at this time” and that I could perhaps satisfy my need by calling
Going back in time with a Delorean

Going back in time with a Delorean

Keep your eye out this week for a shiny, stainless steel Delorean cruising the streets, especially on October 21, 2015. That’s the day Marty McFly went Back to the Future, or ahead to the future, or something like that.
And the death knell has sounded

And the death knell has sounded

Canada’s supply-managed agriculture sectors will quickly disappear now that our country has signed the TransPacifi c Partnership (TPP) deal.
All things considered...A timely story

All things considered...A timely story

When it comes to harvest, time is of the essence. That is particularly relevant right now when the daylight hours are getting shorter and the temperatures getting colder.