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Yorkton This Week

Park event previews major concert

Versus the Nothing rocked the Western Financial City Centre Park Thursday as a prelude to their opening for Kinder Aug. 22.

Major development for Regina

Yanke Group of Companies President and CEO Russell Marcoux was joined by Global Transportation Hub (GTH) Board Chair Wayne Elhard and Saskatchewan Minister responsible for the GTH Jim Reiter, to officially announce the beginning of the company's new

Kee's TKD represented in Brazil, Korea

Susanne Mitchell is among those at Kee's Tae Kwon Do in Yorkton who are, or who are going to be, training or competing at various parts of the globe. Mitchell herself, is currently on her way home from the 5th Annual CISM Military World Games.
Get ready for some football. The strike is over

Get ready for some football. The strike is over

An espn columnist put together a good piece Monday about the NFL's four-and-half month long lockout and included a list of those who will benefit the most now that the League has reached an agreement.
York Lake picnic

York Lake picnic

An early picnic scene at York Lake. The area is very likely near the railway bridge. A couple canoes probably provided rides. Women are sporting umbrellas for shade, and no one is wearing bathing suits.
Book focused on Tommy's team

Book focused on Tommy's team

Few politicians are more revered anywhere than what Tommy Douglas is in Canada and nowhere in Canada is he more loved than he is in Saskatchewan. But no politician is an island onto themselves.
Editorial cartoon

Editorial cartoon

Blowhard Dalton McGuinty creates Ontario wind power
Plan to attend gardening show

Plan to attend gardening show

Wasn't the weather last week unbelievable? Tuesday alone took about a week's energy out of our plants; they went from looking lush to looking heat-struck all in that one day.
Honoured for 25 Years of Service

Honoured for 25 Years of Service

On June 25, 2011 Father Valadimir Kolpakov was greeted as a cosmopolitan silver jubilarian at a special celebration held at St. Mary's Cultural Centre.
But the Preacher didn't mean to shoplift

But the Preacher didn't mean to shoplift

The muddle rose from my decision to add colour to our washroom. The room, and everything in it, is white as a Saskatchewan blizzard.