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In the Community

Drama raises audience's suspicions

Drama raises audience's suspicions

A cast of 10 local actors performed Death by Chocolate, a whodunit comedy/ mystery by popular playwright Craig Sodaro, in Blaine Lake March 10 and 11. The casting parts were, of course, customized to the individualized personalities of the actors.
Volunteer firefighters in action

Volunteer firefighters in action

Maidstone and Paynton volunteer fire departments were called into action March 16. With winds high, a fire was lit to burn garbage in what should have been a contained area, but quickly became a grass fire that spread to a neighbouring property.
New 4-H beef club at Maidstone

New 4-H beef club at Maidstone

The Maidstone area has recently formed a new 4-H club, called the Standard Hill Beef Club. There are a total of 12 members in our club, all of whom are in the beef project.

District deputy visits in April

Dorothea Hocher brought the St. Walburg Royal Purple March meeting to order by wishing all a happy St. Patrick's Day. Many "secret friend" parcels were left for pick up. Twenty-three members signed the register.
Official opening of Borden Care Home addition

Official opening of Borden Care Home addition

The Borden Care Home addition was officially opened March 16. Chair of the board Craig Hamilton welcomed everyone.

Jam and potluck supper coming up Saturday

Are you ready yet? Remember Maymont's first jam and potluck supper March 24 at Maymont Memorial Hall. Doors open at 4 p.m., supper at 6 p.m. We hope to have all your favorite musicians at this event. Come join us, everyone welcome.

Snowbirds and feathered birds returning with the coming of spring

Spring has sprung! Well the grass is not quite riz but the birdies are back. Along with sightings of crows and a goose it is good to see Al and Jan Richter back from Arizona and Jake and Cecilia Krahn back from Yuma as well.
NBCHS Drama Club ready for show time

NBCHS Drama Club ready for show time

The Drama Club at NBCHS is getting themselves ready to put on two shows this month. The club branched into two groups this semester to perform two brand new productions.
Back where we belong

Back where we belong

Welcome to all readers of this very interesting Regional Optimist. This being my first column, I'll give a little background information. My husband and I have three grown children and nine beautiful grandchildren.

Time to register kindergarten students for the fall

Do you have a child eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall of 2012? Registration forms have been mailed out but if you are new to the community, or have been missed, please contact the school as soon as possible.