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In the Community

1,000 Islands and spiritual childhood

It is mind boggling to think that we can live our day to day lives oblivious to the awe-inspiring gifts of God's creation that lie near us, often in plain sight. Perhaps it takes the eye of an artist or a mystic to startle us into awareness.

UC Chimes: One more week and one more game!

When the Saskatchewan Roughriders won the West Division Championship title of the Canadian Football League, they didn't touch the trophy. Instead they said that we have one more week and one more game, the Grey Cup is what we want.

Cheering on the team

Writing weekly articles normally attracts my complete attention; today, however, the annual Grey Cup supersedes all other afternoon thoughts. It's currently half time, the Riders are ahead and I'm seeing Green.

UC Chimes: The inner conflict

During the recent scandals of the Senators, the Toronto mayor and similar cases before these, the one common response from the people who were directly involved was initially denial.

When you're scored for doing right

Last week we commemorated Remembrance Day, a time ranking next to Christmas and Easter in significance to me.

Sequoia or bonsai - fire and the spirit

I heard that crime is on the increase in high rise apartments. That is wrong at so many levels. The bizarre qualities of the sequoia inspired some deeper reflections in this writer. There is food for thought for all ages in this gift of nature.

UC Chimes: On the video tape

ney, sometimes we have to ignore or overlook certain issues that are not directly related to our life.

Twixt Speedway and ruts

There's a lot of talk of becoming all you want to be. Whether in a religious, motivational or business setting the emphasis is on determining in your mind what you want to achieve and then daring to move forward in pursuit of your goal.

How to live with infallibility and dignity

When Pope Benedict left the papal office comedians enjoyed a unique opportunity for jest. Here is an example: "The Vatican said that as soon as the Pope resigns, he will no longer be infallible.

UC Chimes: Why do we have to remember?

Among the many different of functions in our mind, the ability to remember or the function of memory, is considered the most important and crucial one in our life.