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Weyburn Review

Access7 to broadcast all-candidates forum

Voters in the Weyburn Big Middy constituency will have a great opportunity to hear from their candidates in the November 7 provincial election, thanks to an all-candidates forum hosted by the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce.
Weyburn MNP gathers most food

Weyburn MNP gathers most food

Ten Meyers Norris Penny (MNP) offices across the province took part in a competitive, provincial food drive in support of their local food banks, with a goal to raise 4,000 pounds in donations.

Progress made at off-leash Dog Park, raffle announced

The Weyburn Community Dog Park committee recently reported on the progress being made on the off-leash dog park. In 2010, the city provided about 2.8 acres of land off Alymer Street and along the Tatagwa trail for an off-leash dog park.
STARS choir starts off Communithon

STARS choir starts off Communithon

Entertainment for the 30th annual Communithon gets started by the Weyburn Comprehensive STARS Show Choir singing the theme song of "Let's Work Together".

First and Goal

The Roughriders ended the drought on Friday Night Football versus the Calgary Stampeders. No they didnt win the game; actually the final score was 25-13 in favour of the Stamps.

Tickets for benefit supper for toddler family available

Friends of a Weyburn family whose son was severely injured in an assault will be holding a benefit supper, to assist with the medical and travel expenses. A steak night with a silent auction will be held at the King George Hotel on Thursday, Nov. 3.

Big changes for grain growers

Reaction was swift after the federal government introduced legislation on Oct. 18 to end the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly. The legislation is expected to pass without any trouble considering Harper's majority.
Red Wings strong after four-game winning streak

Red Wings strong after four-game winning streak

The Red Wings are coming off a four-game winning streak, improving their standings to second place in the Sherwood division of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League. While in Melville on Oct.

Event surpasses goal

The 30th edition of Communithon, the annual fundraiser for the Weyburn and District United Way, surpassed its goal for the year, although it was accomplished after the telethon went off the air late Saturday afternoon. As of 5 p.m.

Pangman delegation seeks to delay review process

A delegation from Pangman spoke with trustees with the Southeast Cornerstone School Division during the board of education's monthly meeting on Thursday.