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Local News

Surgery wait times to decrease

Prairie North Health Region is expecting to perform 550 more day surgeries and 10 more inpatient surgeries in the 2011-2012 fiscal year, thanks to additional provincial government funding. PNHR will receive $1.


Together the Unity, Wilkie and MacklinRCMParerequesting the public's assistance in identifyingthetwo males in the picture attached to this article. The two are wantedin connectionwith a theft of fuel.
Recognition for jobs well done

Recognition for jobs well done

Volunteers are a driving force in small communities and last week the Maidstone Eldon Recreation Board held their 2011 Volunteer Awards Banquet. The celebration was held at the Waseca Hall April 14.
Baby born in ambulance now home in North Battleford

Baby born in ambulance now home in North Battleford

When filling in the place of birth section on her son's birth certificate, Samantha Warren had to stop and think about it for a minute.

Low vacancy rate for city apartments

If you're looking for an affordable apartment to rent in North Battleford, you're not the only one.
Maidstone Gymnastics Club show off talents

Maidstone Gymnastics Club show off talents

Strength, balance and skill on the beams, bars and mats made for an exciting Thursday evening last week at Ratushniak Elementary School. The Maidstone Gymnastics Club held their year-end presentation amazing a large crowd with what they had learned.
Local drums up success

Local drums up success

Colin Ouelette first picked up his sticks in grade school, when his parents insisted he learn an instrument. "As a 10-year-old, I thought that drumming would be a lot more fun than, say, playing the violin," said Ouelette.
Green Party candidate fears Conservative "Big Brother" state

Green Party candidate fears Conservative "Big Brother" state

The Conservative Party of Canada has been accused by critics of instilling fear in the hearts of Canadians through its campaign to "get tough on crime.
Caleb Village opens its doors

Caleb Village opens its doors

Caleb Village is open for business. The brand-new, $15 million Humboldt retirement community opened its doors to residents on April 1. By the end of last week, about 15 families had already moved in.
Helping people through difficult times

Helping people through difficult times

It's no secret that life can often be difficult. People break down and families break up, and sometimes it feels as though we are utterly alone and helpless.