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In the Community

Quilters stitch together a productive year

Quilters stitch together a productive year

Twenty members of the Rivers Edge Quilters met at the Don Ross craft room Dec. 7 for the final meeting of a successful year. Members meet regularly throughout the year to work on a variety of projects for themselves and for the community.
A visit from the Penguins

A visit from the Penguins

T'was the day 'fore the concert, and all through the school, École Père Mercure penguins were acting like fools. The students were nestled all snug in their desks, while visions of gingerbreads danced in their heads.
SRC hosts food bank drive

SRC hosts food bank drive

Maidstone High School SRC is holding a food bank drive. This enables students to donate any canned or packaged goods to families that struggle to put a meal on the table.
Artist looking for historic inspiration

Artist looking for historic inspiration

Artist Julian Sadlowski is on a treasure hunt. The retired school principal and former mayor of North Battleford is looking for old photos or information that will help him finish the illustrations for a book he is preparing on the city's history.
Local rider joins women on snowmobiles

Local rider joins women on snowmobiles

Meota has become a regular stop on the trail for the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles. For a few years, this organization has been travelling the province early in the New Year to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research.
Christmas at the gallery

Christmas at the gallery

Christmas is coming to the Chapel Gallery on Sunday, Dec. 12 from noon until 4 p.m. Gallery staff would like to thank all patrons and gallery members with a holiday celebration.
Farmers' market produces Christmas sale

Farmers' market produces Christmas sale

Borden Farmers' Market held a successful Christmas sale Dec. 4 in the Borden Community Centre, with 20 vendors selling their wares in the main hall and 10 in the seniors' room. The Grad 2011 class sold lunch.

Round Hill Riders hold elections

The Round Hill Riders 4-H Club held elections this month. Elected were: president - Nelda Swistun; vice-president - Jessica Haryung; secretary - Linaya Sidebottom; and treasurer - Shannice Poitras. Club reporters are Morgan Nyholt and Nelda Swistun.
Gallery puts on a new face

Gallery puts on a new face

The newest exhibit at the Allen Sapp Gallery compares and contrasts the personal approach in Sapp's portraits with the more detached view offered by early photographs of aboriginals, but it also introduced a new face to the gallery, that of Marcus Mi
Taking in the Grey Cup experience in 24 hours

Taking in the Grey Cup experience in 24 hours

Why not? As I relaxed on a Saturday, looking forward to our Battlefords Publishing Christmas party that evening, my fingers got a workout from texting.